Health, PE & Coaching

Sports Clinics: 2025 #1

Course No. PE406e, PE506e

This course is open to coaches nationwide who will be attending ANY Sports Clinic throughout the year. There are many National as well as local Sports Clinics available to coaches that focus on a variety of aspects related to the development of their particular sport and athletes.

Often, these Sports Clinics have Professional and/or College coaches lecturing on particular topics related to their sport. Participants will have the opportunity to attend these lecture sessions and earn three (3) continuing education quarter credits or 30 clock hours/PDUs for attending a Sports Clinic of their choice.

We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  • An understanding of sports program philosophy and development.
  • An understanding of methods for developing motivation in today’s student-athlete.
  • An understanding of methods of developing leadership in today’s student-athlete.
  • Reviewed a variety of philosophies on program development, motivation, and leadership by outstanding coaches in America.
  • Know how to compare and contrast these different philosophies.
  • Know how to develop their own philosophies.

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