Challenging Students,  Classroom Management,  Education


Course No. ED452f, ED552f

Children accomplish at a higher rates and with greater effectiveness when they are excited about learning. This course will investigate strategies to increase enthusiasm in students. Each educator will read and view inspiring stories of success within the classroom and community. Specific interventions and ideas will be presented that allow each individual to match his/her personality with engagement approaches. Each participant will come away with a bank of strategies, activities and ideas to activate students and their learning.
This course is appropriate for all students and educators (P-12.)
We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. Syllabus
  1. Additional knowledge regarding stages of development and emotional levels of children.
  2. Developed a bank of interventions and ideas to engage students.
  3. Expanded their personal framework for presenting information to students.
  4. Additional effective strategies within the classroom to benefit “special needs” children.
  5. Defined personal areas of interest and teaching strengths.
  6. Assessed general student needs and developed strategies to help increase the success of children.
  7. The ability to successfully present information in an inspirational format.

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