Course No. ED474y, ED574y
Our course text is a rare book that asks us to find out how some of the most challenging students can benefit from feeling the power of belonging.
Adding the balance of a focus on self-care and dealing with crisis artfully makes this a valuable resource with a radical focus on words like love, compassion, and a culture of inclusion. If this sounds like a focus you would like to embody as a teacher, you will find many how-to’s in this book.
We advise you to review and download the course syllabus before registering. | Syllabus |
l. Learned why students need belonging needs met before they are ready to learn and behave.
2. Learned that students need some evidence of unconditional regard in addition to rules
of class management.
3. Learned how to grow their own ability to signal empathy and inclusiveness across difficult days.
4. Found examples of heroes and current movements using these strategies.
5. Found models for classroom graphics to promote their message on a daily basis.